

Stadsgroen Ghellinck


Vistas brings scenic lines of sight temporarily back to light. The intervention underscores - figuratively and quite literally - the wide views over the field and towards the farm at Ghellinck. Over time, panoramic lines of sight are impoverished by desoiling and mowing. This artistic intervention now highlights the historic linear play by marking the lines with white sand. During the arts trail, the sightlines are pure white, the landscape gradually absorbing them with natural vegetation. Temporary by nature, Vistas brings nature conservation into scope, quite in line with the natural process of it all. 


GPS coordinates artwork: 50°49'47.3"N 3°13'12.6"E

Ghellinck is a 22-acre open area in Bissegem by Kortrijk. Originally designed for housing, it was largely repurposed as a peri-urban green space some ten years ago. That means building is prohibited, making this a fully-fledged green lung for the community to catch its breath. Five years ago, almost half of the area was bought by nature conservation organisation Natuurpunt for the purpose of an urban nature project. Historically, the site is set in an open landscape with the listed Armengoed farm still proudly centre stage. Even now, the genius loci, the soul of the place, is in the vastness of the field and the prominent position of the farm. The vistas over the field and towards the farm are inextricably intertwined, being the basic elements for the design and development of Ghellinck as a green area and, consequently, for this artistic intervention. 

Ecologisch beheer

Stadsgroen Ghellinck is een ecologisch beheerd park en vormt een mooie vertaling van de missie van (mede)beheerder Natuurpunt Kortrijk: ecologische meerwaarde creëren ten behoeve van omwonenden en de bevolking in contact brengen met flora en fauna. Dit project is een bron van inspiratie om op grotere schaal toe te passen in de regio waar Natuurpunt als vereniging steeds nieuwe vrijwilligers verwelkomt om mee te werken aan een biodiverse regio voor de toekomst.


Belgian design co-operative OMGEVING (viz. ‘environment’ in the sense of surroundings) takes on inspiring projects in the field of landscape architecture and urban planning. Horizontally structured based on dialogue, co-operation and cross-pollination, OMGEVING aims to spearhead unique projects on different scales: from spatial strategies for viable cities to infrastructural designs for sustainable mobility and the development of resilient open spaces and street furniture. For this artistic intervention, OMGEVING set out from the existing landscape design, with an understanding of the scenic context of the site. Vistas landmarks the agency’s strong mind for research, identity and result and its focus on innovation, sustainability, co-creation and quality.